Afghanistan – The Country
A landlocked mountainous country with plains in the north and southwest, Afghanistan is described as being located within South Asia or Central Asia. It is bordered by Pakistan in south and east, Iran in the west, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the north and China in the Far north east. Afghanistan is dependent on its transit countries for its foreign trade and Pakistan is the nearest and safest access to seaports.
Afghan Logistics Division
Due to multifaceted nature of afghan transit trade, we dedicated a team of professionals who are experts to handle Afghan trade. Our afghan desk is trustworthy one window operation for all requirements related to Afghan trade.
Highlights of our services for Afghanistan are as below:
• In transit visibility and Escort services.
• Arranging Transit Permit and tax Exemptions.
• Land transportation from Karachi to all destinations in Afghanistan.
• Customs Clearance at POD, Border check posts and across Border in Afghanistan.
• Air freight services from any origin in the world to anywhere in Afghanistan via Kabul Airport.